Pongour majestic and beautiful

According to the local language, means Pongour rhino horn - a name so brave stately bearing of the breath of thousands of red soil plateau. Yet recent sales, Pongour he secretly hiding in jungles, although its image is often used as a base for many computer karaoke songs. The majestic waterfall is height with a 14-storey buildings, the width twice the length of a football field. Clock hours of loud sonorous humidity to five to seven kilometers.
Pongour majestic and beautiful, Tourism, tourist, tourist in 2012, Vietnam travel, world travel, explore
Falls are reached between a region of dense jungle primary. Previously, to get to the waterfall, one has to play the jungle trees or drift boat on Nhim line approached, then rooted trees that drop the yeast out shore operators. Then in 1999, opened Pongour jungle.
A 6 km asphalted road linking Duc Trong town toward the waterfall and eco-tourism zone Pongour born. People still try to keep the shade of mangrove forest, do not infringe on the waterfall and the river has since ancient times. Thus, visitors still see all the wild beauty of the Highland mountains here.
Located near the road from Saigon to Ha Noi, Da Lat is just less than one hour drive, is not every day Pongour reception under a thousand visitors. Now the path is a carved stone gates bold words "First South natural development". Along the river are the house floor Highlands graceful bamboo.
Pongour majestic and beautiful, Tourism, tourist, tourist in 2012, Vietnam travel, world travel, explore
Rocks were intercepted, the river tore into a cover planted my dozen waterfalls along the vertical wall. Extraction of water tossed into the thick walls of foam and white foam into giant steam cloud covers over the river. Foot of the waterfall, the river suddenly boiled up into a gentle lake experienced immense forest trees and cliffs shimmering mirror. Hundreds of flat stone slabs strange knob on the water as welcome visitors cross legs rain droplets beneath the waterfall.
Standing there, we felt like little people falling down a strange fairy land. Through to the other side, people invite each other to find a way to climb the mountainside into the jungle or to visit the simple wooden house hidden behind lush green corn refuge. Those weak legs can stand watching the waterfall under the dome of an observatory near the center. This is the most beautiful view and where the former Emperor Bao Dai, but usually stop in the journey through the forest hunting tigers.
Pongour majestic and beautiful, Tourism, tourist, tourist in 2012, Vietnam travel, world travel, explore
Many American tourists say that this place was just like the scene of the Amazon jungle across the hemisphere.
In contrast to the excitement of the falls, right on top of a marina operators have electric travel, take visitors along smoothly across the river without sound engines, no noisy dust. In particular, in Pongour have a three-story stupa rising between a lake, where one can meditate to nursing care and enjoy fresh air. The road leads out of the water tower that is located under the sink as flying over the lake.
When night falls, people gather around a camp fire, singing harmony together and join hands with young Highland dance spin on the gong. Chia pieces together the rice, wine circulating tubes, the kebab, until the night dew wet. Drop into the tent camp, located on the roof listening to falling water, heard the echo tan incense forest waterfall and hear the sprouting weeds just below her back.Overnight between Pongour magical forest can tell us the ineffable feeling into words.
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