Suggestions for girls dress these days early summer

The weather in the spring of last month no longer be cool, pleasant as before but instead is the heat of summer.

Surely a lot of wonder girls should dress how to fit this stage of the season. Here are some hints on how to coordinate beautiful map for your reference.
The cute design dress suited to the weather this season, just enough to keep warm and not too cold
Elongated jacket can be worn alone or wear the same pants every thin
Truth be taking summer dresses in the closet for so long was able to take advantage. Combine this with legs skirt sweater or long sleeved sweatshirts
Truth wool skirt and sweater can work together well, but you pay attention to choose two-tone contrast
Transition period this season is an ideal time to let her watch the sport tune the design momentum associated graceful dresses, feminine
These girls are going to love personality type mix of comfort, this pleasant: sweater shirt design with three holes + wide + jeans (or leggings)


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